Trade License Renewal in Dubai: Everything You Need to Know

trade license renewal dubai

We all know how important it is to acquire the trade license in Dubai for legal operation in the Emirate. However it is also a legal obligation of the business to apply for trade license renewal in Dubai if the trade license is near expiry.

It ensures the legal operations of the business in Dubai continue and business is compliant with the Dubai Economic Development Department regulations.

We will discuss it in more detail in this article including what steps you must take, what vital documents you need, and what are the essential tips for renewing your trade license in Dubai. Keep reading thill the end for valuable information:

Renewal Of Trade License in Dubai: Step-by-Step Guide

trade license renewal dubai

As we have discussed how important the trade license in Dubai is, renewal of it has equal importance and comes with the following steps:

Check Your Tenancy Contract

The trade license renewal in Dubai starts with the status check of your tenancy contract. This document ensures your business’s legal presence in the Dubai, UAE.

There is certain criterion that your tenancy contract must meet to ensure your process of trade license renewal remains smooth. Here it is:

  • Tenancy contract’s validity should also have upcoming year in it. The DED i.e., Dubai’s Department of Economic Development want your tenancy contract validation and renewed license duration in alignment with each other.
  • Your tenancy contract must have registration in the Ejari system. It is the UAE’s government initiative to track the Dubai’s property contracts and validates them.
  • You must create your tenancy contract again if it does not meet the necessary criteria.
  • Ensuring the accuracy of your legal contract proves that your business is compliant with the local laws which expedite the renewal process.

File Your Application with the DED

Now it’s the time to submit your application soon after your tenancy contract gets checked by DED. This is the pivotal step that should be dealt with the utmost care, accuracy. Make sure that all of your necessary documents up-to-date and complete. Here is how to do it:

  1. First of all, gather all the essential paperwork including:
  • Dubai Economic Department license
  • Emirates ID
  • Passport copies
  • Copy of tenancy contract

Be ensure that these documents are clearly aligned, legit, and in according to the requirements of the DED for your trade license renewal in Dubai.

  1. While you fill out the application, make sure to be precise, double-check them, avoid human errors, to avoid delays.
  2. You must check the website of Dubai’s department of Economic Development, DED for any announcements of latest updates related to the renewal of trade license in Dubai. It will benefit you in the long run for your application to be accurately aligned with the DED’s current requirements.
  3. You must contact Dubai’s Department of Economic Development customer support services if you are facing any challenges and obstacles during the trade license renewal process


The success of renewal of trade license in Dubai relies heavily on filing your application flawlessly, and keeping yourself informed about all the latest DED’s requirements. Pay attention to all the little detail and submit your application timely to ensure a hassle-free business operations.

Receive the Payment Voucher

After submitting your application carefully, is the payment voucher receiving for the trade license renewal process in Dubai. This voucher will have the trade license renewal fee in Dubai that you need to pay to the DED. Keep in mind the following things for it:

  1. If you have received the payment voucher, you must review the provided details in the voucher carefully. Make sure that all the information in the voucher is accurate including,
  • Your business name must be with the correct spelling
  • Your current license number is accurate
  • The total amount mentioned in the dues section is up to date.
  1. Once your payment voucher is confirmed and you ensured that it is accurate, you must submit the fee along with it immediately or else you may face financial penalties.
  2. There are various methods of payments that you can follow conveniently, including
  • Online platforms
  • Credit card transactions,
  • Designated payment centers


Always keep the payment record, including voucher receipts and email of confirmation. It is the proof that you have submitted the payment to DED, and you have the assurance that your Dubai Economic Department license renewal will be completed soon.

Make the Payment

After confirming payment voucher details, the next Dubai trade license renewal step is submitting the payment. Timely and accurate payment is vital to ensure the seamless continuation of your business operations.

Choose a payment method that aligns with your convenience and preferences. Dubai provides various options, including secure online platforms and authorized payment centers. Opting for Dubai trade license renewal online payments offers convenience and efficiency, allowing you to complete the transaction from the comfort of your office or home.

When you submit your payment, please ensure:

  • Double-check the information you have entered to prevent potential errors.
  • Always verify that the amount mentioned in the payment voucher is matching the trade license renewal fee in Dubai.
  • At this stage, attention to detail is essential to avoid potential delays in the trade license renewal process.
  • Adhere to the rules and regulations of the DED by completing the payment process seamlessly.
  • Your payment process ensures that you are compliant with local laws and regulations.
  • You must retain a copy of the receipt of your payment for your personal records. It is the essential proof of the payment you make, and assures that your license renewal has been processed.

Mobile App Option

Dubai’s Department of Economic Development offers and convenient solution for the renewal of trade license in Dubai, i.e., mobile app option. The mobile application is extremely user-friendly, and it streamlines the renewal process seamlessly, providing businesses with smooth experience for their license renewals.

It provides users with the following benefits:

  • Businesses can initiate and monitor their renewal application at fingertips with the help of mobile app of Dubai trade license renewal
  • The mobile app is developed and designed by the Dubai’s Department Of Economic Development to simplify the business license renewal process
  • It reduces the paper work complexities associated with trade license renewal.
  • The mobile app has all the features to guide you through the trade license renewal necessary steps to make sure your application process is flawless.
  • Businesses are able to receive real time notifications through this mobile app option for instant updates on the renewal status of application, confirmation of payments, and other things.
  • The app has integrated secured payment gateways to submit your fee for trade license renewal in Dubai through credit card, or other online payment methods.
  • Businesses can renew their trade license in Dubai from anywhere in the world, at any time.

Documents Required for DED Trade License Renewal in Dubai

Gathering the necessary documentation is a critical aspect of trade license renewal in Dubai. Ensuring you have all the required documents ready is fundamental to a smooth and efficient renewal process.

The Dubai Economic Department license renewal process mandates specific documents that you must provide. These documents include:

  • Emirates ID and Passport Copies:Clear and legible copies of your Emirates ID and passport are essential. These documents serve as proof of your identity and are crucial for validating your application.
  • Trade Name Reservation Certificate:If you have reserved a specific trade name, include the certificate confirming the reservation. This certificate demonstrates your commitment to the chosen name for your business.
  • Legal Form Documents:Depending on your business structure, you may need to submit legal form documents, which detail the type of business entity you are operating, such as a partnership, sole proprietorship, or company.

Keep these documents ready so that your trade license renewal in Dubai is seamless. if your documents are accurate and complete, it will help you out in avoiding unnecessary complications and delays that may occur in license renewal.

You can streamline your process of documentation by organizing them well in advance. Keep all of them securely and safely in a place that is accessible so that you can successfully renew your trade license.

Renew a Trade License in Dubai: How Much It Costs?

If you want to opt for trade license renewal in Dubai, you must have an idea how much does it costs. However, keep it mind that:

  • The renewal of trade license in Dubai comes with a variable fee that is based on various factors, including the type of your business and activities.
  • You must visit the Dubai’s Department of Economic Development website to determine the exact fee for trade license renewal. You will be able to get the precise details regarding the expenses of your license renewal.
  • Typically the cost can range from AED 500 to AED 1000, based on the type of your business.

Additional Tips for Successful Trade License Renewal

trade license renewal dubai

A smooth process for trade license renewal in Dubai is possible through several ways. We are mentioning few of them below:.

  1. Plan In Advance: 

Make sure that you initiate the renewal process in advance before the date of license expiry. It will prevent you from your last-minute stress and save you from the potential penalties.

  1. Stay Informed:

Regularly check the website of Dubai’s Department of Economic Development for regular updates on trade license renewal in Dubai. It is important for you to stay informed always.

  1. Compliance is Key:

Ensure that the operations of your business are compliant with the regulations and laws of Dubai. This helps in accelerating the process Dubai Economic Department license renewal.

By implementing these tips, you contribute to the efficiency and ease of your trade license renewal in Dubai. Being prepared, informed, and compliant is the key to a hassle-free process and the ongoing success of your business in this vibrant economic hub.


Trade license renewal in Dubai is important if you want to continue your business operations legally and stay compliant with the laws and regulations by the Dubai’s Department Of Economic Development. Also, it has several steps for the renewal that you must follow for the sooth application process completion.

If you need any help regarding it, you can contact MBS Consultancy without any hassle.

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