Everything You Need To Know About The UAE Golden Visa

UAE golden visa

Over the years, the country has indeed developed itself as a leading worldwide center of innovation, entrepreneurship, and cultural diversity. Marking a significant change in the visa landscape, the government launched the UAE Golden Visa program. Recognizing the ability to draw the investment of investors and entrepreneurs as well as to attract skilled professionals.

In this article, we shall look at the program of the UAE Golden Visa. It encompasses the multiple categories, eligibility criteria, application procedure and associated cost. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or a smart investor, this guide will provide all the knowledge and resources you need to move ahead successfully as it promises to be all encompassing and exciting.

What does the Golden Visa provide?

UAE golden visa

The UAE golden visa benefits are the most attractive for investors desiring to become permanent residents of the UAE. Following this, here is a detailed breakdown of its key advantages:

  • Long-term residency. Unlike the traditional visas that should correspond to the particular employer, the Golden Visa is providing the permanent residency for 5 or 10 years, depending on the chosen category. In addition, it is possible to renew this type of visa.
  • Work and study freedom. In contrast with the employment visas, the UAE golden visa gives you the privilege to work and study without sponsorship from the UAE employer. Certainly, this flexibility has individuals as its focus, allowing them to take advantage of several career alternatives, change jobs if necessary or start a business within the country.
  • 100% business ownership: It enables the holders to manage and own companies in the mainland UAE and operate in different sectors, without the need to involve a local partner. Consequently, people who chose to run this business are more empowered as they are able to regulate their businesses and benefit from it.
  • Multiple entry and exit: The ticket to be a free mover in the UAE through the Golden Visa. Permanent residence holders have the advantages of multiple entry and exit permissions. This flexibility is specifically for people who travel frequently, without having to apply for more permits.
  • Family sponsorship: On the other hand, the UAE golden visa benefits are even for the holder’s family. It allows a spouse, a child, and even a parent (under certain categories) to sponsor for the residency visas.

The benefits of UAE golden visa are unbeatable. As a result, making it the best solution for applicants looking for convenient residency and a better career plan and lifestyle.

What are the requirements for the Golden Visa?

Certainly, the UAE Golden Visa eligibility goes according to the category you apply under. Next, is a closer look to the UAE golden visa requirements and some of the main categories:


  • Property Investment: The minimum investment in this category must be AED 2,000,000 to a freehold property within the UAE. The property has to be retained at least for a three- year period. Also, with financing done with other means other than a mortgage. The candidates must show funds verification and meet designated income standards.
  • Company/Fund Investment: This type asks for AED 10 million as the minimum investment. This has to be in the UAE’s company or fund registered under the authority of the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA).


  • Startup Ownership: This category in particular serves start-up owners registered in the UAE, who have a minimum paid-up capital of AED 500,000. The business must be clearly driving the innovation and contributing to the growth of the UAE knowledge economy. Moreover, application forms require an endorsement letter from the UAE government.
  • Innovation in Specific Sectors: This aims at both highly qualified international employees and people with high achievements in designated sectors, crucial for the UAE development. Only those applicants who have convincing qualifications and experience in their respective fields are accepted.

Other Categories:

  • Students: This category invites first-rate students from the nation’s best educational institutions. Applicants must succeed in the set academic standards. Such as, maintaining a high GPA, and demonstrate enough funds to take care of their accommodation.
  • Doctors and Specialists: The recruitment of skilled and highly-educated medical personnel to the UAE. Definitely, the applicant must have degrees certifying the registered medical profession. Also, the necessary experience, and the compliance with the licensing terms of the UAE health authority.

How would I apply for the UAE Golden Visa?

The application for the UAE Golden Visa may differ between emirates and categories and will often include several steps. The first step you need to take is to ascertain your eligibility category for the UAE Golden visa.

Use the official UAE government website or licensed channels such as designated emirate visa application websites to access the eligibility analysis tools or seek help from immigration consultants for tailored guidance.

Once you have qualified, proceed then to gather supporting documents based on your selected category Proceeding with that, submit the online application either through government website or predetermined platforms. The pertinent authorities will consider your application and the accompanying documents.

After acceptance, you will be subjected to a pre-treatment medical examination at a healthcare facility approved by the required authority. The role of the accuracy and the completeness of all submitted documents and information added along the course of application cannot be underestimated.

In addition, getting professional advice from immigration experts would increase the chances of success and minimize the difficulties that might result in a rough application experience.

Eligibility Check

Before you go into the process of application, knowing your eligibility for the UAE Golden visa is very important. Here is a detailed breakdown of how to assess your eligibility:

  • Official Resources:

Using official websites of the government is the main information source where all the details and UAE golden visa requirements are mentioned for different visa types. Moreover, the website has interactive tools, resources intended to help you in assessing your eligibility based on the specific conditions you are in.

Also, some emirates may have the websites with the dedicated visa application facilities which include their own rules, criteria, and procedures.

  • Eligibility Assessment Tools:

Following this, some authorized sources having government websites and immigration consultancies provide online eligibility assessment tools. Most of these tools often give step by step questions about your background, your qualifications, and the category you choose, and at the end offer a preliminary assessment of your eligibility level.

  • Immigration Professionals:

Undoubtedly, working with experienced immigration experts often turns out to be of great benefit to individuals who have unique problems or need personalized counseling. These experts evaluate your eligibility and knowledge, analyzing potential complications and suggesting categories that fit into your circumstances better.

Important Considerations:

  • Applicants who apply to an emirate or participate in an existing government initiative may need to meet different requirements. The key thing is to make sure that you keep on top of the current developments by using only trustworthy sources.
  • While the online tools and resources may have provided a provisional answer, they still might not be enough to allow giving a solid conclusion. Immigration consultation from professionals usually includes a thorough analysis and personalized advice which are specifically structured to assist the families in defining and identifying the conjunctions of the eligibility standards.

Online Application

Next, after you have confirmed your eligibility, you can proceed to filling the online registration form. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  • Access the Application Portal:

Please, visit the e-Application for a UAE Golden Visa website. You can log on to it through the UAE Government official website or through the visa application website of the specific Emirate.

  • Create an Account:

Filling in the form of registration and screening on the application portal. This includes personal information like full name, age and an e-mail confirmation.

  • Choose Your Category:

Keep in mind that your qualifications must match the appropriate category. Each of the categories have their own criteria for eligibility, as well as UAE golden visa salary requirement for applications.

  • Complete the Application Form:

The online application form typically requires you to provide detailed information, for instance:

    • Personal information (Name, nationality, day of birth, etc.).
    • Email address, phone number (contact information)
    • Passport details
    • Educational qualifications
    • Employment history (if applicable)
    • Support documents (upload the scanned copies as per requirement)
    • Verify that all the information is up-to-date, complete, and with the proper form and format.


  • Pay Application Fees:

Typically, online payment options are available in the portal to balance the fees that could be billed for the submitted applications. These fees depend on the selected emirate category.

  • Submit your application:

Once this information has been verified and re-confirmed, you have to electronically submit your application through the portal.

  • Track Application Status:

Generally, the portal lets you track the advancement of your application and also get the alert upon the status of your app.


  • Pay due attention to all data you have before submission of application to avoid delays or applying in the wrong way.
  • Become acquainted with all particular regulations and deadlines within the selected category.

Review and Approval

Once you submit your online application, the relevant authorities will begin with the evaluation and approval process. Here is what to expect:

  • Application Review:

The authorities will conduct an in-depth examination of your application and along with the supporting documents. This in order to determine whether you fully meet the criteria of the chosen category. This could be doing verification of the authenticity of documents and/or upholding the set parameters.

  • Additional Information Requests:

The authorities are entitled to request further details and request for clarifications as they deem necessary. Such a process may include preparing supplementary documents, taking part in interviews or providing more information related.

  • Processing Timelines:

UAE golden visa processing time could change depending on the type of category that you have chosen. Also, the complexity of your case, and the specific emirate in which you have applied.

  • Communication channels:

The government agency will either contact you online through the portal or via email to inform you on the status of the application, requesting for more information or confirming the final decision.

  • Approval Notification

In case of a successful evaluation and approval of the case, you will be notified officially via the contact channels. In this notification, there will be a list of communication and formalities required to obtain your Emirates ID.

Additional Considerations:

  • Establishing contact with the authorities is important. Try to respond as quickly as possible if you receive any questions for more information or clarification in order to avoid delays.
  • Getting professional help from a visa legal service or consultant is the first thing an applicant should do when preparing to apply for immigration. They can assist you in passing the complex procedures and adhere to the internal rules.


What amount is the cost for the Golden Visa?

UAE golden visa

The UAE golden visa price varies depending on several factors, including:

  • Chosen Category: Each category has unique investment demands or eligibility guidance which differ for each, which determines the cost as the big factor. For instance, as a property investor you need at least AED 2 million. While entrepreneurs may need a minimum paid-up capital of AED 500,000 in their startups.
  • Emirate-specific Fees: For the Visa to be approved, each Emirate may require the applicant to pay extra processing fee with additional application charges.

Here is a breakdown of some of the typical cost components:

  • Application fees: This amount also includes the fees for filing the application by the authorities. It can range between AED 5,000 to AED 10,000.
  • Medical test: The mandatory medical checkups will be approximately AED 1,000.
  • Emirates ID fees: Getting your Emirates ID is feeble and you may have to pay about AED 1000.
  • Investment amount: It will differ greatly based on what category you choose. For instance, company owners have to invest at least AED 10 million. You can hire investment consultancy services to make smart choices.

Additional Considerations:

  • Professional fees: If you require help from immigration consultants or lawyers for study abroad, the payment for their professional fees will increase the entire UAE golden visa price.
  • Living expenses: When coupled with the visa application proper, make sure to consider your living expenses in the UAE solely. Depending on your lifestyle and the emirate you choose to live in.

It is important to study in detail the costs and needs which are specific to the category of visa and the emirate you have chosen to select the right amount. Working with the immigration experts could make a perfect cost estimation and give the needed support in financial matters.


The UAE Golden Visa program serves as a very attractive route for persons wishing to settle, conduct business and enjoy the dynamic lifestyle of the UAE. Definitely, there are many advantages and disadvantages of UAE golden visa. Also, this is a great chance for the individuals to be part or encourage the development of the UAE economy, as your business grows

If you need any assistance before deciding to apply for the UAE Golden Visa or need simpler clarification on this matter, contact us. We will be happy to provide more details on the sponsors, eligibility, and the process of applying for the visa. Our team of professional experts among us will be there to give you the necessary guidance and support all the way.

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