Steps to Get Your Business License in Dubai Explained

business license in dubai

The business license in Dubai is an essential requirement to establish any type of business. Starting a new business in Dubai can be an exciting experience and there are several variables to consider. But the most important is the Dubai business license. Also, obtaining a Dubai business license is one of the first steps to realizing your dream of owning a business in one of the world’s most famous economic centers. The Department of Economic Development is responsible for issuing all business licenses in Dubai.

In this article, we give you a complete guide on the different types and how to become a business license in Dubai, structures and procedures related to business licenses in Dubai. Obtaining a business license in Dubai is an important step in the process as it suits your business activities and chosen business structure. Now let us understand what a Dubai business license is and how to check business license in Dubai.

What is a Business License?

business license in dubai

A business license in Dubai is an official document that gives you the legal right to operate a business in Dubai. This is a permit issued by the relevant government authority confirming that you have complied with all the requirements and regulations necessary to conduct business in Dubai. Besides, the Dubai general business license is comprehensive and allows for a wide range of activities.

Also, these licenses allow individuals to engage in a variety of commercial activities, including importing and exporting goods and conducting business. Companies operating in Dubai’s free zones can obtain a Dubai trade license. In addition, professionals providing industry-specific services can apply for a Dubai Business License.

As well, a business license in Dubai is a license that grants incorporation of an organization engaged in business activities. It defines the legal status of a company engaged in a particular field of trade or business. This also ensures that the company assumes full responsibility for its activities.

Why is a License in important for businesses in Dubai?

A business license proves that your company is a legal entity authorized to conduct business. Not only that, but your business license defines you and your business. Responsible for business activities and the protection of public health and safety. It also allows government agencies to regulate and oversee business processes in the city.

Some of the most important factors are:

  • Legal validation: A Dubai business license validates your business as a legal entity. It confirms that your company complies with local regulations and allows you to operate legally in the region. So, without a license, your company cannot operate legitimately.
  • Conduct business legally: As well, with a valid license, you gain the authority to conduct business in Dubai. It ensures that your operations comply with legal requirements, protecting both your company and your customers.

Sector licenses: Depending on the sector you choose; you will need a specific type of license. Some of the most common ones are listed below:

  • Commercial license: For general business and commercial activities.
  • Professional license: Then, required for service-based professions (e.g. consultants, freelancers).
  • Industrial license: Also, required for manufacturing and industrial businesses.
  • Tourist License: If your business is related to tourism and hospitality.
  • Autonomy License: Ideal for sole proprietors and self-employed individuals.

Cost and issuing authorities:

  • The cost of a business license varies depending on factors such as the type of license, the size of the company and the free zone in which it operates. It can range from AED 20,000 to AED 50,000 per year.
  • In mainland Dubai, business licenses are issued by the Department of Economic Development. In free zones, the competent authority is responsible for issuing them.

How to Get Business License in Dubai?

The process of obtaining a business license in Dubai is relatively straightforward. So, simple steps to obtain a business license are:

Business Name and Legal Structure

To obtain a business license in Dubai, first choose a unique and appropriate name for your business in Dubai. So, the name you choose should reflect your brand identity and comply with local regulations.

Also, make sure it is memorable, unique and aligned with your business objectives to leave a lasting impression on the market. In addition, choose the legal structure that best suits your business, considering options such as a sole establishment license or other home-based operating structures that suit your business objectives and operational needs.

Besides, a single business license provides simplicity and autonomy, making it ideal for small business license cost in Dubai. Evaluate your business model and future growth plans to make an informed decision on the legal structure that will best support your efforts in Dubai.

Define Business Activities

In the process of establishing a business in Dubai or elsewhere, it is critical to understand the nature of your business activity. Classifying your business into trade, industry or service sectors is a crucial step in determining the appropriate licensing requirements and ensuring a legal and successful operation.

Industrial businesses are divided into two major groups:

  • Extractive industry: this group is dedicated to obtaining products directly from nature. It includes activities such as mining, oil drilling and agriculture. For example, if your business extracts minerals or grows agricultural products, you would belong to this sector.
  • Processing industry: Here, companies modify the physical or chemical characteristics of materials to create specific products. This can be the manufacture of goods from raw materials or the continuous production of items.


  • Trading companies act as intermediaries between producers and consumers. They focus on the distribution and sale of goods. There are two main types:
  • Wholesale trade: These companies buy large quantities of products directly from manufacturers and sell them to retailers or distributors. For example, an electronics wholesaler that supplies products to retail stores and.
  • Retail trade: Also, these companies provide online business license Dubai. They can be physical stores or e-commerce. For example, a clothing store or an online store.


  • Service companies provide advice, assistance or activities that do not involve the production of tangible goods. Examples include:
  • Legal or financial advice: Law firms, financial consultants.
  • Transportation and logistics: Shipping companies, courier services.
  • Advertising and marketing: Advertising agencies, social media specialists.
  • Utilities: Water, electricity, telecommunications.

Application Form and Additional Approvals

Contact the Department of Economic Development (DED) for initial approval. Some activities may require external approval. So, it is important to make sure you have all the necessary permits. This will help ensure that you are in compliance with all regulations and requirements before proceeding.

Pay License Fee

Pay the required issuance fee and license fee to complete the process and obtain your business license in Dubai. Be sure to comply with all applicable requirements and regulations before proceeding the license fee in Dubai. Once you have completed your payment, you will be one step closer to obtaining a business registration certificate.

Business License Cost in Dubai

The Dubai business license cost is very affordable. The cost of a business license can vary depending on several factors, including the nature of the products you wish to sell and the permits required. Other factors affecting business license cost in Dubai include:

  • Number of partners
  • The institutional field
  • Corporate structure
  • Partnership with local sponsors.
  • Type of business activity


business license in dubai

Due to its stable economy, well-developed infrastructure and global connectivity, Dubai offers a variety of opportunities for entrepreneurs. Obtaining a business license allows an entrepreneur to legally operate a business in the country.

Also, each type of business license in Dubai is issued by the Department of Economic Development (DED) to organizations worldwide. Each jurisdiction in a free zone issues business licenses related to the free zone.

So, we also post ideas if you would like additional information on these interesting topics like verify business license, business license id, Dubai business license categories, cheapest business license in Dubai, business license number and other interesting topics.

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